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If your home or property was damaged by Fire, Water, Wind, Storm or Flood and you need to submit an insurance claim you should retain a Public Adjuster. A Public Adjuster is a licensed insurance claim representative who is trained in preparing, negotiating and settling insurance claims for the insured property owner. When you need a quality and trustworthy damage appraisals, we have the knowledge and experience to get it done right. Our team of dedicated Public Adjusters are well-equipped to offer our clients the knowledge and expertise to achieve the most equitable claim settlements. Our firm receives the highest claim settlements in the industry. We are licensed Public Adjusters with years of experience and we’re ready to help.

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Find Out More About Us

Signature Adjusters has been in the Insurance industry since 2003. We are the leading provider of property damage appraisals, and over the past many years, we’ve established a proven track record for quality, accurate damage appraisals. Learn about our appraisal process or hear about our success stories by getting in touch today.

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Professional & Trustworthy

Signature Adjusters provides expert damage appraisals and consultations on various property damage insurance claims. We stand behind our damage appraisal reports. The following are the main insurance claim appraisal services provided by Signature Adjusters: Dwelling Damage Appraisals, Personal Property Inventory Documentation, Loss of Rental Income and Additional Living Expenses. Please contact us for information about our insurance claim appraisal services or to work with an Adjuster.

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A Cut Above

Here’s the major benefits of hiring a Public Adjuster

Saves Time

f you need help understanding your policy, it can take you a long time to decipher it before you can begin documenting everything for your claims process. A well trained Public Adjuster will manage and organize these things for you, helping you reduce the time you have to spend on it.  


Insurance policies can be quite complicated and difficult to understand on your own, so having an expert by your side that is not only familiar with insurance policies but is also trained to explain them to you is a huge help in your time of need. I will also direct you through the proper procedures of filing an insurance claim.  

Fast Resolution

With the advantage of having a Public Adjuster, you conveniently understand your claim and it’s much quicker to process the paperwork needed for filing your insurance claim. You do not have to deal with going back and forth and stressing yourself out because of miscommunication with the insurance representative. Any sort of repairs will begin as quickly as possible.  

Protection of your Rights

 A Public Adjuster like myself understands the insurance claim techniques inside and out will prevent miscommunication between you and your insurance company, and will also let you know if your rights as a policyholder are being neglected. I’m right there to look out for your best interest since you’re my client.  

Maximum Value for your Claim

According to a recent study, Public Adjusters often negotiate up to 74% larger insurance settlements for insurance claims on property damage or even less than the company is originally planning to give to the policyholder. 

No Risk and all Reward by retaining us

If you look at the bigger picture, using the services of Public Adjusters is a smart and practical decision, considering you get considerably more from your insurance claim and at the same time, prevent you from spending too much time and energy in the claims process. I work on a contingency basis so there’s no out of pocket costs.




We’re meticulous and believe that extra value tends to be in the small and often overlooked details. In the Insurance industry, the smallest errors can have the biggest repercussions, and usually that takes the form of less cash for clients to rebuild. The Public Adjuster team members at Signature Adjusters are highly trained to pick up on, and fix these common errors and get what you're rightfully due.

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作为持牌公共保险理算师,我们代表保单持有人准备、协商和解决保险索赔。我们代表房主、企业主、物业经理和任何需要我们帮助来协商他们的保险索赔的人。我们拥有授权的律师、结构工程师、估算师和库存专家,以确保我们的客户获得最大的结算。我们拥有一支由获得许可的损坏修复技术员、电工、水管工和装板人员组成的紧急服务团队,以帮助将损失降到最低,并保护您的财产免受火灾、水、烟雾、风暴和洪水造成的损害。 免费咨询!

Como Ajustador de Seguros Públicos con licencia, preparamos, negociamos y liquidamos reclamos de seguros en nombre del titular de la póliza. Representamos a propietarios de viviendas, propietarios de negocios, administradores de propiedades y cualquier persona que necesite nuestra ayuda para negociar su reclamo de seguro. Contamos con abogados licenciados, ingenieros estructurales, tasadores y especialistas en inventarios en el personal para asegurarnos de que nuestros clientes reciban la máxima liquidación. Contamos con un equipo de servicio de emergencia de técnicos autorizados en restauración de daños, electricistas, plomeros y cuadrillas de juntas para ayudar a minimizar los daños y salvaguardar y proteger su propiedad de los daños sufridos por incendios, agua, humo, tormentas e inundaciones. ¡CONSULTAS GRATIS!

Являясь лицензированным специалистом по государственному страхованию, мы подготавливаем, согласовываем и улаживаем страховые претензии от имени держателя полиса. Мы представляем домовладельцев, владельцев бизнеса, управляющих недвижимостью и всех, кто нуждается в нашей помощи в переговорах по их страховому иску. У нас есть лицензированные поверенные, инженеры-строители, оценщики и специалисты по инвентаризации в штате, чтобы гарантировать, что наши клиенты получат максимальное урегулирование. У нас есть бригада аварийно-спасательных служб, состоящая из лицензированных техников по восстановлению после повреждений, электриков, сантехников и специалистов по ремонту, которые помогут свести к минимуму ущерб, а также обезопасить и обезопасить ваше имущество от повреждений, нанесенных огнем, водой, дымом, ураганом и наводнением. БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ КОНСУЛЬТАЦИИ!

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Staten Island, NY, USA
New York, NY, USA

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Staten Island, NY, USA
New York, NY, USA

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